Social Development

Help today because tomorrow you may be the one who
needs more helping!

Sonahri believes in institutional building at grass roots level to support in bringing social change in the society. It has made social mobilization as core activity and entry point followed by different development interventions including social and physical volunteer services, coordinating and networking while emphasizing on gender balance and good governance. The main aim of the program is to mainstream rural poor into socio-economic development and reduce their vulnerability. The specific objectives are to:

Reasons for selecting the villages are as follows:

  • Impoverished cooperative communities
  • Interested to take self help initiatives
  • More than 100 population
  • Having little access to public services

Activities related to Community Organizations

Sonahri assists community organizations to carryout surveys and update village level information. Sonahri arranges exchange visits to encourage sharing and to build a sense of larger community. Sonahri builds linkages between the representatives of community organizations and other stakeholders through meetings and partnership projects.

Till September 2017

Total COs 225 (5798) Membership
Total COs Saving 60,4900
Linkages Development of Cos 32
Health and Hygiene Committees 02
House Based Workers Groups Formation (HBWs) 05
SMCs 10
CNICs Formed 1255
Registration in voters’ List 1567
Plantation in Villages 02
Meat Distribution 233

SHDS is a non-Government and Non-profit organization. The organization is working in different spheres of life like Education, Natural Resource Management, Livelihoods, Women Empowerment, and Advocacy for social issues/human rights, food Security and Social Mobilization, Emergency Response etc.

Contact Us

  • +92 298770955
  • +92 345 7070717
  • +92 333 2592501
  • SHDS Office, Phase-II Hashimabad, Makli, District Thatta